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Day School and School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education (SGOCE) Course Schedules


  • Courses in the Online Accelerated Schedule are restricted to students enrolled in the Online Accelerated Programs.
  • Select a Day or SGOCE course schedule from the menu.
  • Sun Icon: Day School Courses, Moon Icon: SGOCE Courses
  • Enter a keyword in the Search box to look for a specific course, instructor, etc.
  • Course Numbers: Undergraduate = 1000-5999; Graduate = 6000-9999
  • Please note: R = Thursday and U = Sunday
  • This course listing is tentative and subject to change.

Day Fall Courses

Course NumberCRNCrGen Ed / LASPrereqsCourse TitleActualMaxAvailWaitlistFacultyDatesDaysTimeRoomModalityBooks
ART 1100 12602 3 AOM,ART,DP,FA N Art Appreciation 0 30 30 N/A Bromberg, Sarah 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM CNIC 323 Face-to-face Books
  12815 3 AOM,ART,DP,FA N Art Appreciation 0 30 30 N/A Robey, Jessica 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
Comments: This is an online course.
ART 1400 12239 3 AOM,ART,FA N Drawing 0 20 20 N/A Bromberg, Sarah 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 10:15AM - 12:15PM CNIC 114 Face-to-face Books
  12329 3 AOM,ART,FA N Drawing 0 20 20 N/A Melnyczuk, Hanna 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 08:00AM - 10:00AM CNIC 114 Face-to-face Books
  12610 3 AOM,ART,FA N Drawing 0 20 20 N/A Olmstead, Andrea 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 02:30PM CNIC 114 Face-to-face Books
  12483 3 AOM,ART,FA N Drawing 0 20 20 N/A Bromberg, Sarah 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 01:15PM - 03:15PM CNIC 114 Face-to-face Books
  12958 3 AOM,ART,FA N Drawing 0 20 20 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 10:15AM - 12:15PM CNIC 113 Face-to-face Books
ART 1650 12240 3 AOM,ART,FA N Three Dimensional Design 0 20 20 N/A Olmstead, Andrea 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 10:15AM - 12:15PM CNIC 112 Face-to-face Books
ART 2004 12391 3 AOM,ART,FA N Ceramics 0 16 16 N/A Olmstead, Andrea 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 02:30PM CNIC 112 Face-to-face Books
  12462 3 AOM,ART,FA N Ceramics 0 16 16 N/A Olmstead, Andrea 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 10:15AM - 12:15PM CNIC 112 Face-to-face Books
ART 2102 12330 3 AOM,ART,FA N Introductory Painting 0 20 20 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 10:00AM - 12:00PM CNIC 113 Face-to-face Books
  12356 3 AOM,ART,FA N Introductory Painting 0 20 20 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 02:30PM CNIC 113 Face-to-face Books
ART 2200 13164 3 AOM,ART,FA N Life Drawing 0 20 20 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 10:00AM CNIC 113 Face-to-face Books
ART 3300 12311 3 AOM,ART,DP,FA,GDA N History of Architecture 0 30 30 N/A Bromberg, Sarah 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM CNFA 265 Face-to-face Books
ASL 1000 12445 3 CTW,WS N ASL for Beginners I 0 22 22 N/A Vreeland, Mary 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM CNIC 323 Face-to-face Books
  12777 3 CTW,WS N ASL for Beginners I 0 25 25 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 09:15AM ONSYNC ONSYNC On-sync Books
Comments: Online synchronous meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 am - 9:15 am.
  12603 3 CTW,WS N ASL for Beginners I 0 25 25 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 11:00AM - 12:15PM ONSYNC ONSYNC On-sync Books
Comments: Online synchronous meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm.
  13234 3 CTW,WS N ASL for Beginners I 0 25 25 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM ONSYNC ONSYNC On-sync Books
Comments: Online synchronous meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 am - 10:45 am.
ASL 1050 13812 3 CTW,DP,HMN Y Introduction to Deaf Studies 0 25 25 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
Comments: This is an online course.
BIOL 1000 13157 3 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N Intro to Life Science 0 18 18 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
Comments: This is an online course.
BIOL 1010 13160 3 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N Intro to Environmental Science 0 18 18 N/A Picone, Christopher 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 203 Face-to-face Books
  13616 3 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N Intro to Environmental Science 0 18 18 N/A Ludlam, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 203 Face-to-face Books
BIOL 1050 12393 3 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N Life Science for Educators 0 18 18 N/A Rehrig, Erin 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 02:20PM SCI 207 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This course is restricted to Education majors.
  12969 3 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N Life Science for Educators 0 16 16 N/A Rehrig, Erin 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 02:30PM - 04:20PM SCI 207 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This course is restricted to Education majors.
BIOL 1200 12209 4 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I 0 48 48 N/A Kilpatrick, Elizabeth 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 01:45PM SCI 211 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This course is restricted to Nursing, Public Health Science (formerly Environmental Public Health) and Exercise Sports Science Majors. Must also register for a LAB; choose from CRN 12210, 12438 or 12211.
  12210 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for lecture CRN 12209.
  12438 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Kilpatrick, Elizabeth 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 R 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for lecture CRN 12209.
  12211 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Kilpatrick, Elizabeth 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 R 11:30AM - 01:30PM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12209.
  12394 4 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I 0 48 48 N/A Williams, Eric 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 11:00AM - 12:15PM SCI 211 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Comments: This course is restricted to Nursing, Public Health Science (formerly Environmental Public Health) and Exercise Sports Science Majors. Must also register for a LAB; choose from CRN 12341, 13617 or 12319.
  12341 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T 11:30AM - 01:20PM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for lecture CRN 12394.
  13617 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 01:30PM - 03:20PM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12394.
  12319 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Stanley-Burke, Aimee 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for lecture CRN 12394.
  12318 4 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I 0 32 32 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM SCI 211 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This course is restricted to Nursing, Public Health Science (formerly Environmental Public Health) and Exercise Sports Science Majors. Must also register for a LAB; choose from CRN 12977, 12320 or 12976.
  12977 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12318.
  12320 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M 12:30PM - 02:20PM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for lecture CRN 12318.
  12976 0 LAB,PL N Anatomy and Physiology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 11:30AM - 01:20PM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for lecture CRN 12318.
BIOL 1600 12618 1   N Introductory Research 0 0 0 N/A Rehrig, Erin 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   NONE NONE Face-to-face Books
Comments: Students must obtain a red card from the instructor in order to enroll.
BIOL 1650 12481 3 PW,SMT N Nutrition 0 25 25 N/A Krishnamurthy, Mathangi 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
Comments: This is an online course.
  12288 3 PW,SMT N Nutrition 0 25 25 N/A Krishnamurthy, Mathangi 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
Comments: This is an Online course. This CRN is restricted to Nursing Majors only.
BIOL 1700 13618 3   N Human Biology 0 18 18 N/A Welsh, Daniel 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM SCI 217 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This class is not open to students who have completed BIOL 1200 and/or BIOL 1300, unless permission of instructor is granted.
BIOL 1800 12294 4 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I 0 48 48 N/A Grimm, Lisa 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:30AM - 10:45AM CNFA 150A Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for a LAB; choose from CRN 12995, 12876, or 12364. Course restricted to Biology, Chemistry, and Exercise Sports Science Majors, Psychological Science Majors with a Cognitive Science concentration, students with a minor in Biology or Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition, IDIS majors with a concentration in Gen Sci Initial Teach Lic 5-8, Computer Information Sciences Majors in the BioIS Track, or by permission of instructor.
  12876 0 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Grimm, Lisa 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 206 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12294.
  12995 0 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Grimm, Lisa 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 206 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12294.
  12364 0 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 F 09:30AM - 12:15PM SCI 206 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12875.
  12875 4 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I 0 32 32 N/A Rollins, Sean 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM SCI 211 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for a LAB; choose from CRN 12469 or 12395. Course restricted to Biology, Chemistry, and Exercise Sports Science Majors, Psychological Science Majors with a Cognitive Science concentration, students with a minor in Biology or Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition, IDIS majors with a concentration in Gen Sci Initial Teach Lic 5-8, Computer Information Sciences Majors in the BioIS Track, or by permission of instructor.
  12469 0 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Rollins, Sean 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 R 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 206 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12875.
  12395 0 LAB,PL,SI,SMT N General Biology I LAB 0 16 16 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 F 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 206 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12875.
BIOL 2004 12523 4   Y Human Anatomy & Physiology I 0 16 16 N/A Welsh, Daniel 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 09:15AM SCI 217 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lab CRN 12524. This course is restricted to Biology majors only.
  12524 0   N Human Anatomy & Phys I LAB 0 16 16 N/A Welsh, Daniel 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 F 09:30AM - 12:15PM SCI 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12523.
BIOL 2150 12573 4 AIA,SI Y General Microbiology 0 18 18 N/A Rollins, Sean 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM SCI 133 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lab CRN 13162. Course restricted to Biology and Chemistry Majors, Psychological Science Majors with a Cognitive Science concentration, and students with a minor in Biology or Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition, and Nursing or Public Health Science Majors or by permission of the instructor.
  13162 0 AIA,SI N General Microbiology LAB 0 18 18 N/A Rollins, Sean 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 110 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12573.
BIOL 2300 12342 4 AIA,SI Y Ecology 0 32 32 N/A Picone, Christopher 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W F 09:30AM - 10:45AM SCI 243 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lab CRN 12396 or 12978
  12978 0 AIA,SI N Ecology LAB 0 16 16 N/A Picone, Christopher 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 203 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12342.
  12396 0 AIA,SI N Ecology LAB 0 16 16 N/A Picone, Christopher 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 R 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 203 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12342.
  12470 4 AIA,SI Y Ecology 0 16 16 N/A Ludlam, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM SCI 133 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for a LAB CRN 12471.
  12471 0 AIA,SI N Ecology LAB 0 16 16 N/A Ludlam, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 203 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 12470.
BIOL 2800 13060 4 AIA,SI Y Genetics 0 16 16 N/A Krieser, Ronald 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:30AM - 10:45AM SCI 243 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lab CRN 13059.
  13059 0 AIA,SI N Genetics LAB 0 16 16 N/A Krieser, Ronald 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 111 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Must also register for Lecture CRN 13060.
BIOL 3060 13619 3 AIA,IHIP Y Biochemical Techniques 0 12 12 N/A Samulak, Billy 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 F 08:30AM - 10:20AM SCI 111 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This course is cross listed with CRN 13623 CHEM 3060; seats available may not be a true reflection of the number of open seats.
  13619 3 AIA,IHIP Y Biochemical Techniques 0 12 12 N/A Samulak, Billy 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 R 12:30PM - 03:15PM SCI 111 Face-to-face Books
Comments: This course is cross listed with CRN 13623 CHEM 3060; seats available may not be a true reflection of the number of open seats.
BIOL 3100 13620 3   Y Conservation Biology 0 20 20 N/A Picone, Christopher 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 09:15AM SCI 218 Face-to-face Books
BIOL 3350 13621 3   Y Cell Culture Techniques 0 12 12 N/A Kilpatrick, Elizabeth 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M 09:00AM - 10:50AM SCI 109 Face-to-face Books
  13621 3   Y Cell Culture Techniques 0 12 12 N/A Kilpatrick, Elizabeth 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 F 12:00PM - 02:45PM SCI 111 Face-to-face Books
BIOL 4902 12616 2   N Independent Study: Biology 0 0 0 N/A Rehrig, Erin 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   NONE NONE Face-to-face Books
Comments: Students must obtain a red card from the instructor in order to enroll. This course is restricted to Biology and Chemistry Majors only.
BIOL 4903 12615 3 AIA,IHIP N Independent Study: Biology 0 0 0 N/A Rehrig, Erin 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   NONE NONE Face-to-face Books
Comments: Students must obtain a red card from the instructor in order to enroll. This course is restricted to Biology and Chemistry Majors only.
BSAD 1030 13657 3   N Principles of Management 0 31 31 N/A Greenwood, Michael 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 09:15AM PERC 103 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 1040 13659 3   N Fundamentals of Marketing 0 20 20 N/A Liu, Yang 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
  13660 3   N Fundamentals of Marketing 0 31 31 N/A Liu, Yang 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 108 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 1700 12221 3   N Intro to Comp Info Sys 0 22 22 N/A Simion, Denise 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W F 09:30AM - 10:45AM EDG 201 Face-to-face Books
  12222 3   N Intro to Comp Info Sys 0 31 31 N/A Pereira, Audrey 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   ONLINE ONLINE Online Books
BSAD 2010 12223 3   N Intro to Financial Reporting 0 31 31 N/A Chan, Andrew 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM PERC 201 Face-to-face Books
  12991 3   N Intro to Financial Reporting 0 31 31 N/A Hartshorn, Stanford 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:30AM - 10:45AM SCI 217 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 2020 12465 3   Y Intro to Managerial Account 0 31 31 N/A Chan, Andrew 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 201 Face-to-face Books
  13661 3   Y Intro to Managerial Account 0 31 31 N/A Hartshorn, Stanford 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 11:00AM - 12:15PM PERC 201 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 2100 12428 3   N Intro to Entrepreneurship 0 31 31 N/A Lohmann, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM PERC 210 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 2600 13662 3 ER N Business Law I 0 31 31 N/A Lohmann, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 11:00AM - 12:15PM PERC 210 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3010 12327 3   Y Fin Rpt Theory and Prac I 0 31 31 N/A Chan, Andrew 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 201 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3210 12224 3   Y Human Resources Mgmt 0 31 31 N/A Hollingsworth, Beverley 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 212 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3220 12225 3   Y Production Management 0 31 31 N/A Kim, Kay 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 204 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3310 12226 3   Y Consumer Behavior 0 31 31 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 09:15AM PERC 204 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3325 13663 3   Y International Marketing 0 31 31 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM MCK 144 Face-to-face Books
  13664 3   Y International Marketing 0 31 31 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 203 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3330 12227 3   Y Advertising 0 31 31 N/A Liu, Yang 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 210 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3340 12856 3   Y Small Business Management 0 31 31 N/A Lohmann, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 210 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3400 12648 3   Y Basic Finance 0 31 31 N/A Hartshorn, Stanford 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 201 Face-to-face Books
  13800 3   Y Basic Finance 0 31 31 N/A Hollingsworth, Beverley 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M F 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 107 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3600 13665 3   Y Business Law II 0 31 31 N/A Lohmann, John 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 210 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 3700 13667 3   Y Sales Management 0 31 31 N/A Scapparone, Renee 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 08:00AM - 09:15AM PERC 203 Face-to-face Books
  13801 3   Y Sales Management 0 31 31 N/A Scapparone, Renee 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4000 13050 3   Y Intro to Business Analytics 0 16 16 N/A Simion, Denise 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 W F 11:00AM - 12:15PM PERC 102 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4010 13159 3   Y Fin Report Theory Prac III 0 31 31 N/A Chan, Andrew 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 08:00AM - 09:15AM PERC 107 Face-to-face Books
  13802 3   Y Fin Report Theory Prac III 0 31 31 N/A Hollingsworth, Beverley 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4100 13803 3   Y Advanced Accounting I 0 31 31 N/A Chan, Andrew 09/04/25 - 12/18/25   Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4200 12228 3   Y Organ Behavior and Theory 0 31 31 N/A Greenwood, Michael 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 103 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4210 12649 3   Y Social Political Envir of Bus 0 20 20 N/A Pereira, Audrey 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 211 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4230 12229 3   Y Bus Fluct and Forecasting 0 20 20 N/A Pereira, Audrey 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM PERC 211 Face-to-face Books
  12992 3   Y Bus Fluct and Forecasting 0 20 20 N/A Pereira, Audrey 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 211 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4325 13668 3   Y Market Research 0 31 31 N/A Liu, Yang 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 12:30PM - 01:45PM PERC 204 Face-to-face Books
BSAD 4880 12355 3   N International Business Mgmt 0 31 31 N/A TBA 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 T R 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 108 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Senior Status or instructor approval is required to enroll.
  13068 3   N International Business Mgmt 0 31 31 N/A Kim, Kay 09/04/25 - 12/18/25 M W 09:30AM - 10:45AM PERC 201 Face-to-face Books
Comments: Senior Status or instructor approval is required to enroll.

Attribute Codes (Gen Ed / LAS Flags)

AIA: Integrating & Applying Learn
AOM: Art or Music
ART: The Arts Cluster
CTW: Citizenship & the World Cluster
CV: Civic Learning
DP: Diverse Perspectives
ER: Ethical Reasoning
FA: Fine Arts Expression & Analysis
GDA: Glob Div - ART
GDAN: Glob Div - ART non-West
GDC: Global Div - CTW
GDCN: Glob Div - CTW non-West
HAF: Health/Fitness
HI: Historical Inquiry & Analysis
HIST: Historical Perspective
IHIP: Integrat High Impact Practice
LAB: Lab Science
LI: Literary Inquiry & Analysis
LIT: Literature
PL: Procedural & Logical Thinking
PW: Personal Wellness
QR: Quantitative Reasoning
RIL: Reading & Information Literacy
SI: Scientific Inquiry & Analysis
SMT: Science/Math/Technology
W: Writing I
WIL: Writing & Information Literacy
WS: World Lang, Speaking & Listen

Room / Course Type

ANTH: Anthony Student Services Building
CNFA: Conlon Fine Arts
CNIC: Conlon Hall
DUP: Dupont (Facilities) Building
EDG: Edgerly Hall
HAMM: Hammond Hall
LAN: Carmelita Landry Arena
MCK: McKay
MIL: Miller Hall
PERC: Percival Hall
REC: Recreation Center
SAND: Sanders Administration Building
SCI: Antonucci Science Complex
THEA: Theater Block
THOM: Thompson Hall
WEST: Weston Auditorium
155: 155 North Street

See Course Modality Information for definitions of ONLINE, ONSYNC and HYBRID course types.

Off Campus Codes

AVV: Assabet Valley Regional Voc HS, Marlboro, MA
BPR: Bay Path Regional Voc Tech HS, Charlton, MA
DIM: Diman Regional Voc Tech HS, Fall River, MA
FHS: Fitchburg High School, Fitchburg, MA
GLR: Greater Lowell Technical HS, Tyngsboro, MA
GLT: Greater Lawrence Tech, Andover, MA
MRV: Montachusett Regional Voc Tech, Fitchburg, MA
NMRV: Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational HS, Wakefield, MA
NVP: Nashoba Valley Technical HS, Westford, MA
OAP: Online Accelerated Program
PDC: Center for Professional Studies, 150B Main Street, Fitchburg, MA
WRV: Whittier Regional Voc Tech HS, Haverhill, MA
WVT: Worcester Technical HS, Worcester, MA

Complete Off Campus Sites List